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best migrain treatment in Ipoh
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best migraine treatment in Ipoh 




A migraine headache can cause intense throbbing or a pulsing sensation in one area of the head and is commonly accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound.

Migraine attacks can cause significant pain for hours to days and be so severe that all you can think about is finding a dark, quiet place to lie down.

Some migraines are preceded or accompanied by sensory warning symptoms (aura), such as flashes of light, blind spots, or tingling in your arm or leg.

Medications can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. If treatment hasn't worked for you in the past, talk to your doctor about trying a different migraine headache medication. The right medicines, combined with self-help remedies and lifestyle changes, may make a big difference.


It’s not fully understood what causes migraines, but it’s thought they may be caused by a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin affects the blood vessels in your brain. It’s not known exactly what causes the serotonin levels to change.

Migraine is also linked to your genes. About half of all people who get migraines have a close family member who also has them.

Some things can cause a migraine to start and these are called triggers. You may find it useful to keep a diary to spot the triggers that cause your migraines or make them worse.

Common triggers include:

  • stress
  • change in sleep patterns and tiredness
  • poor posture or tension in your neck and shoulders
  • certain food or drink – commonly chocolate, cheese, alcohol, caffeine
  • loud noises
  • bright or flickering lights
  • strong smells
  • strenuous exercise if you’re not used to it
  • skipping meals
  • not drinking enough fluid

Women may get migraines around the time of their periods, during the menopause, or as a result of taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Other less common triggers may include high blood pressure, smoking, toothache, eye strain or taking certain sleeping tablets.


The main symptom of migraine is a severe headache, which can last for anything between four hours and 72 hours. The headache usually occurs on one side of your head and is a throbbing or pulsating pain. Activity usually makes the pain worse, for example climbing stairs. You may also feel sick or vomit during a migraine, and you may find you’re more sensitive to bright lights and noise.

You can get a migraine at any time, though it’s more common to have a migraine during the day than to be woken by one at night. Some people have migraines once a year, whereas other people may have them as often as several times a week. Most people have one or two migraines a month.

One of the things that make a migraine different from other types of headache is that it has clear stages. Most people will have one or more of the following stages.

  • Premonitory Stage. This is a sense that a migraine is about to start and includes symptoms like tiredness, craving sweet foods, feeling thirsty and mood changes. These feelings can last up to 24 hours.
  • Aura Stage. About one in three people have this stage, which may last up to an hour. Symptoms include visual disturbances, such as flashing lights or sensory symptoms, such as pins and needles.
  • Main Attack Stage. This is when the headache develops.
  • Resolution and Recovery Stage. This is when the migraine fades. This usually happens slowly although a migraine can sometimes stop suddenly, if you vomit for example.

Most people don’t need to see their GP when they get a migraine. However, you should see your GP if:

  • your migraines become more frequent or get worse over time
  • you have a sudden very severe headache
  • you’re over 50 and you have never had a migraine before
  • you get aura symptoms lasting more than an hour
  • you have symptoms such as a fever or weight loss with the headache
  • you have a child under the age of 10 that develops a migraine
  • you get migraines with aura and are taking the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP)

With our many years of experience, our centre provides effective treatment with combinations of natural herbs which is very effective in curing this illness. Please mail us your problems and we will get back to you soonest possible.

Please visit us for consultation and treatment at 

wong medical centre

                            (Wong Medical Centre)

                     14 & 16 Jalan Lapangan Siber 1

                                        Bandar Cyber

                                            31350 Ipoh

                                        Perak Malaysia

Contact No. : 012-4520077          012-5036040   /  05-3114022



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ACCOMMODATION: We provide comfortable and serene environment for our patients. All rooms are fully air-conditioned.

MEALS :  Meals provided are healthy diet and prepared according to the patient's needs.

NURSING CARE : Nursing Care facilities provided.

TRANSPORTATION: We provide transportation  if needed.

TRANSPORT PROVIDED : Transportation provided to and from the airport to the centre.


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